The effect of pine nectar treatment directly depends on the quality of the selected raw material and application. City dwellers often do not have the opportunity to independently prepare medicinal powder in the forest. In this case, it is recommended to find a reliable seller from whom you can purchase a quality product.

How not to be mistaken in choosing a pine product:
1. Pay attention to the color of the powder. If pine tree pollen is acquired in spring, then its color should be bright and fresh. A faded color, most likely, indicates the staleness of the product from the last harvest. In winter, acquiring pollen, you need to be wary at the sight of bright shades of powder. Perhaps the pollen was tinted to give it a presentation. Indeed, during storage, the powder is dried, which is why it turns white.
2. Nectar granules should not crumble from light touch with fingers. Otherwise, the product is either poorly dried, or moisture got into it during improper storage. In any case, this negatively affects the quality of the raw materials.
3. The freshness of the food can be checked using the sense of smell. The smell exuded by pine nectar will be charmingly soft, reminiscent of summer, the scent of pine needles, herbs, flowers. He quickly disappears, leaving only a faint memory of himself.
4. The pollen should taste neutral. The sourness will indicate the spoilage of the product, and the annoying, unnatural sweetness - about impurities, which will also indicate not in its favor.
5. If the product is purchased in a pharmacy network or in specialized departments, stores, it is in the package. In this case, you need to focus exclusively on external characteristics. The packaging should be intact and sealed.
6. The granules should also be intact, not crumbled like flour. The frayed state of the product is often due to the activity of mites.
Pine pollen medications
In the pharmaceutical industry, pine nectar is produced in the form of dietary supplements:
· It is enclosed in capsules;
· Give a tablet form;
· Sold directly in powder without changing the original form;
· On sale you can find tea bags in which pine pollen is indicated as an additive;
· It can also be part of various herbal medicinal preparations, for example, for bronchitis.