The antioxidant activity of tower pollen is 20 times higher than ascorbic acid and tocopherol or vitamin E is 50 times higher. Therefore, pollen is used successfully for both toning and strengthening of the body during the period of illness and rehabilitation after illness. This natural medicine can be used as an immunomodulatory agent and a stimulant that increases the body's reserves in the fight against stress.
Tall pollen has blood thinning properties, improves tissue respiration and increases the activity and concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is successful in neutralizing free radicals. After application of pine pollen, the amount of lipofuscin in the liver, heart and brain decreases. Lipofusin is a substance that is formed in the body under the influence of free radicals. As a result, the cells' resistance increases, their life cycle increases, the risk decreases, they do not settle on the walls of the blood vessels.
The healing effect of pollen on the walls of blood vessels improves blood circulation, lowers levels, improves brain nutrition, which prevents impaired memory and prevents psychasthenia. The general reinforcing effect of the tall pollen on the capillaries improves visual acuity, which can be reduced due to diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases.
The anti-inflammatory effect of pine pollen prevents and.
Pine Pollen for men is used to treat diseases of the digestive tract - the stimulating effect of speech extract increases appetite and restores a healthy gut microflora, prevents intestinal disturbances and indigestion.
Tall pollen is used for treatment as this natural remedy increases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and improves the processes of hematopoiesis.
The pine pollen powder anticancerogenic properties, its resistance to radiation and its ability to prevent radical oxidation processes ensure the effectiveness of this phytoconcentrate in the fight against cancer cells.
After a course with pine pollen, men's reproductive capacity is improved, and the inflammatory processes and pathologies of the prostate gland are also cured. Tall pollen has a favorable effect on the female reproductive system, normalizes the cycle and facilitates negative manifestations.
Tall pollen is called merit a panacea for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. It heals effectively and, fogging the lungs, defeats the strong and.
Pine pine for various diseases
Pollen is a male pine inflorescence that contains all the necessary substances for fertilization of female cells and the origin of the life of a new plant. That is why pine pollen has a rich and versatile composition of proteins, minerals, vitamins, nucleic acids and enzymes.
About 30 important minerals in the pollen are necessary for the human body to function normally, the flow of biochemical reactions. Taking pine pollen extract or pollen in its pure form to restore the mineral balance is much more effective than the pharmacy's mineral supplement, since micronutrients are better absorbed in the composition of the natural product.
In addition to the antioxidant vitamins described above, the composition of pine pollen is rich in vitamins D3, which are necessary for the formation of bone tissue, contains B1, which prevents heart failure and disorders of the nervous system, riboflavin is important for the normal course of metabolic processes.
Amino acids are also found in pine in a bioavailable form for the body. Unlike proteins that make up protein foods (meat, eggs, fish), which contain amino acids in the bound form, pollen amino acids are not bound to protein structures. Therefore, they are absorbed immediately upon ingestion and enter the site of synthesis of new proteins.
Valine, threonine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and tryptophan are among the number of important amino acids that must be consumed continuously with food. From amino acids, as well as from bricks, the body can synthesize all the necessary structures - not only proteins in muscles, skin and organs, but even enzyme proteins that carry out general regulation.