Pollen regulates human life processes. This has long been noticed by people involved in traditional medicine. Doctors do not stand aside, who began to pay much attention to pine pollen. Because pine pollen is a powerful superfood and for the body loaded with 100s of Vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B6 in pine pollen plays a protective role against pancreatic cells, therefore it will be very useful for diabetics, cardiovascular diseases, all lung diseases, people with weakened immune systems, cancer patients. More about the benefits of pollen and what diseases pine pollen powder and tincture can help.

Composition of coniferous pollen
Before talking about the beneficial properties of pine pollen, you need to understand its composition. This natural product contains a large number of fats, proteins, and lipids. Of the amino acids in the pollen, glycine, glutamic acid and threonine are present.
Pine pollen is a unique source of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, A. It contains a large number of flavonoids - plant components that regulate many internal systems of human organs.
Also in the pollen of coniferous trees, there are the following substances necessary for human health:
· Macronutrients - phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
· Trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, iron.
This combination of components makes pine pollen a healing product that is used to treat severe pathologies.
Beneficial features
Herbalists dispel the misconception that pine pollen can be an allergen. Despite the fact that pollinosis is present in a high concentration in pine, coniferous pollen does not provoke allergic reactions. This is explained by its chemical composition and the fact that the grains of conifers are quite small, in contrast to alder and birch. With such grain sizes, pollen is completely microscopic and does not enter the bronchi, but lingers on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.
Initially, this remedy was discovered by the healers of Korea and China. Inhabitants of Asia took pollen as a food supplement to increase tone, relieve fatigue, improve male potency, strengthen immunity, and longevity.
The popularity of this natural product came to Russia after the publication in 1978 of the book Forest Medicinal Plants. Its author A.P. Popov described in detail the biological properties of medicinal plants and their use in folk medicine. It was thanks to his research work and recipes for preparing infusions of pine pollen that the possibility of treating chronic diseases at home became available.
Let's look at together in more detail the beneficial properties of pine pollen tincture.
With tuberculosis
Pine pollen is a natural antibiotic effective against Koch bacillus, the causative agent of pulmonary tuberculosis. After taking decoctions based on pollen, the reproduction of mycobacteria slows down and their gradual death occurs.
Cardiovascular protection
Antioxidants, pine pollen flavonoids remove toxins and toxins from the body, which, in turn, reduces the level of bad cholesterol and lipids in the blood. Due to this action, the tool becomes good prevention of stroke, atherosclerosis, and the growth of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. With regular intake of pollen supplements or infusions, blood circulation, capillary permeability, and elasticity, oxygen supply to the brain and neurons improves.
Normalization of the intestines
During clinical trials, it was found that the cause of indigestion is often stress, constant emotional decline. The composition of pine pollen contains magnesium and calcium, which help relieve nervous tension, as a result of which the work of the digestive tract is normalized.
Coniferous pollen accelerates the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients, improves intestinal motility, and normalizes appetite. Given these properties of the product, it is recommended to use it to treat diarrhea. Patients suffering from constipation respond particularly well to pollen. This is explained by the fact that vitamin B6, which is part of the composition, relaxes muscles during a spasm.
Antitumor effect
When diagnosing tumor-like malignant neoplasms, physiotherapists recommend using pine pollen as a means of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. This natural product acts on the lesions stimulate the immune system and do not harm the general health, unlike other aggressive treatment methods.
The uniqueness of pollen is that it only affects the tumor and does not affect healthy cells. Its use is recommended during remission, to restore the body after radiation and chemotherapy. Regular intake of pine pollen as a dietary supplement helps prevent the growth of benign neoplasms and leads to their gradual resumption.
The secret of longevity
Recent studies have found that coniferous grains with pollen have chemical elements that slow down aging. We are talking about natural antioxidants, vitamins and mineral complexes that prevent oxidation processes in the body. With regular intake of pine pollen, the tone and elasticity of the skin are preserved, wrinkles are less likely, and hair does not fall out. In addition, there is a restoration of all body functions, and the vital potential does not decrease.
Gentle liver cleansing
In chronic liver pathologies, the process of natural renewal of organ cells is disrupted. Pine pollen constituents such as amino acids, proteins, and enzymes have hepatoprotective properties. This means that when using homemade decoctions based on this coniferous product, toxins are removed from the liver and its damaged tissues are regenerated.
For men's health
The benefit of pine pollen is that it stimulates the restoration of tumors in the prostate, relieves bouts of pain, and reduces inflammation. Pollen-based medicines improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs in men. As a result of the elimination of stagnant processes, the functioning of the urinary system is restored and the former potency is returned. Read More: pine pollen supplement